UK Parliament / Open data

Prison Capacity

Proceeding contribution from Unknown in the House of Lords on Wednesday, 24 July 2024. It occurred during Ministerial statement on Prison Capacity.

He is still on the right. In fact, he never sat on the left.

I accept that farms and gardens are very positive in prison environments. In fact, one of the prisons I visited recently is HMP Haverigg, a prison that Prisons Ministers rarely visit at all at the far end of Cumbria. One of my goals in this role is to go and see the prisons that Prisons Ministers have never been to. At Haverigg there is a

big focus on gardening and market gardening, which creates not just extra skills but a great nurturing environment for the prisoners there. It is also a source of income, because they have a little shop at the gate. That is something I am a big fan of and I will be ensuring that we do all we can to support that

About this proceeding contribution


839 cc412-518 


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