UK Parliament / Open data

Prison Capacity

Ministerial statement on Wednesday, 24 July 2024, in the House of Lords, led by Lord Timpson.
Lords statement on prison capacity in England and Wales.

About these Parliamentary proceedings


839 cc402-417 




Ministry of Justice
Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Requisite and Minimum Custodial Periods) Order
Wednesday, 17 July 2024
Statutory instruments
House of Lords
House of Commons

Proceeding contributions

Unknown | 839 cc402-508 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, with the leave of the House, I will repeat a Statement made in the House of Commons by ...

Lord Stewart of Dirleton | 839 cc507-510 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I welcome the noble Lord, Lord Timpson of Manley, to his place on the Front Bench. Repe...

Show all contributions (28)
Lord Marks of Henley-on-Thames | 839 cc510-1 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, we too welcome the Minister to his new role, and we look forward to his official maiden...

Unknown | 839 cc404-513 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I start by thanking the noble and learned Lord, Lord Stewart, and the noble Lord, Lord ...

Lord Blunkett | 839 c513 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I commend my noble friend on getting through his maiden Statement, and in particular fo...

Unknown | 839 c404 (Link to this contribution)

I thank my noble friend for the question. It is crucial that people leaving prison have somewhere...

Baroness Butler-Sloss | 839 c404 (Link to this contribution)

I also welcome the noble Lord to his post. He said that the Probation Service is overworked, so w...

Unknown | 839 c404 (Link to this contribution)

Recruiting 1,000 extra probation officers will take time. From conversations with the probation o...

Lord Clarke of Nottingham | 839 c407 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I welcome very warmly the noble Lord to his position, and congratulate him and his fami...

Unknown | 839 c407 (Link to this contribution)

I thank the noble Lord; if he stays around long enough, he may find a mention of himself in my ma...

Bishop of Gloucester | 839 cc407-515 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I too welcome the noble Lord, Lord Timpson—someone so brilliantly equipped for the task...

Unknown | 839 c515 (Link to this contribution)

I thank the right reverend Prelate. New prison places are important and we will build more prison...

Lord Browne of Ladyton | 839 c407 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I welcome the noble Lord, Lord Timpson, to the Dispatch Box as the Minister for Prisons...

Unknown | 839 c407 (Link to this contribution)

Before we look at any other countries and international comparisons, we need to fix the system we...

Viscount Hailsham | 839 c516 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, the Minister has a great deal of personal experience to give, and his presence is great...

Unknown | 839 c516 (Link to this contribution)

Having somewhere to live when someone is released from prison is vital, and we are planning to co...

Baroness Burt of Solihull | 839 cc516-412 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I warmly welcome the noble Lord to his new role and to this House. His considerable exp...

Unknown | 839 c412 (Link to this contribution)

I am well aware of the issues around indeterminate sentences for public protection. I know that m...

Baroness Watkins of Tavistock | 839 c412 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I welcome the Minister to his new role. I want to bring up the issue of Dartmoor prison...

Unknown | 839 cc517-412 (Link to this contribution)

I thank the noble Baroness, Lady Watkins, for her question. Interestingly, this week I have heard...

Lord Garnier | 839 c412 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I declare an interest as a trustee of the Prison Reform Trust, which is already known t...

Unknown | 839 c412 (Link to this contribution)

I used to see the noble and learned Lord, Lord Garnier, at the other end of a much smaller table ...

Unknown | 839 cc412-518 (Link to this contribution)

He is still on the right. In fact, he never sat on the left.

I accept that farms and garden...

Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb | 839 c518 (Link to this contribution)

I welcome the Minister to his place; it is a brilliant stroke by the Labour Government. However, ...

Unknown | 839 c518 (Link to this contribution)

The situation with IPP prisoners is of great concern. I know that huge numbers of Members on both...

Baroness Bottomley of Nettlestone | 839 c415 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, will the Minister have an early meeting with his opposite number in the Department of H...

Unknown | 839 cc416-7 (Link to this contribution)

I thank the noble Baroness. I often meet chaplains when I go into prisons. The last time I had a ...

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