I think there is a problem that is missed by the current arrangements; that is, within any locality there are quite often small and medium-sized businesses that are put off by the bureaucracy involved and do not get picked up by any of the current arrangements. Yes, there is masses of information and you have to be proactive in seeking it out. The amendment is very much a “may” amendment rather than a “must” amendment but in some rural areas and areas that fall between the core cities—in which the push is going forward because they are taking over skills—this is often not the case. I see it where I am, in Guildford, because we fall betwixt and between the Coast to Capital LEP and the Enterprise M3 LEP. However, many small and medium-sized businesses might well benefit if they were pushed a little bit in this direction. Neither the independent training providers nor the colleges are really being encouraged at the moment to pick up the tab of going to seek out people to provide apprenticeships for, in the switch to the employment ownership pilots. This is an area where a particular public body—local enterprise partnerships are an obvious example—could be useful in providing the initiative.
I will withdraw the amendment for the moment but we might return to this issue on Report because I am not really convinced that this is an appropriate answer.