UK Parliament / Open data

Support for Children Entitled to Free School Meals

Unknown on Wednesday, 26 May 2021, in the Unknown, led by Unknown. The answering members were Unknown and Unknown.
Motion that this House has considered support for children entitled to free school meals. Agreed to on question.

About these unknown


696 cc143-163WH 







Proceeding contributions

Unknown | 696 c144WH (Link to this contribution)

I remind hon. Members that there have been some changes to normal practice in order to support th...

Unknown | 696 cc144-5WH (Link to this contribution)

I beg to move,

That this House has considered support for children entitled to free school ...

Show all contributions (27)
Unknown | 696 c145WH (Link to this contribution)

The hon. Lady has outlined the fact that child poverty is rising, and has been rising for a numbe...

Unknown | 696 cc145-7WH (Link to this contribution)

I thank the hon. Lady for her intervention. I am not sure whether it is ignorance, or not wanting...

Unknown | 696 c147WH (Link to this contribution)

It is a pleasure to serve under your chairmanship for the first time, Dr Huq. I congratulate my h...

Unknown | 696 cc147-8WH (Link to this contribution)

It is a pleasure to serve under your chairmanship, Dr Huq. I congratulate the hon. Member for Hor...

Unknown | 696 c149WH (Link to this contribution)

Patricia Gibson will be speaking at the end of the debate as one of the Front-Bench spokespersons...

Unknown | 696 c149WH (Link to this contribution)

I am sorry, Chair, but I wondered if I could be delayed slightly?

Unknown | 696 c149WH (Link to this contribution)

We have Jim Shannon, who has just made it over from the main Chamber. Are you ready, Jim?


Unknown | 696 cc149-150WH (Link to this contribution)

Thank you, Ms Huq. It is an absolute pleasure to speak on this issue. I have applied to speak in ...

Unknown | 696 cc150-1WH (Link to this contribution)

Although it is a real pleasure to be able to speak today, it is disturbing to be speaking in a de...

Unknown | 696 c151WH (Link to this contribution)

From south-east London to south-west London, and from the virtual world to the Boothroyd Room, I ...

Unknown | 696 cc151-2WH (Link to this contribution)

Thank you for your indulgence, Dr Huq. I congratulate my hon. Friend the Member for Hornsey and W...

Unknown | 696 c152WH (Link to this contribution)

I put on the record my hon. Friend’s excellent work on the digital divide during the pandemic. It...

Unknown | 696 c152WH (Link to this contribution)

I thank my hon. Friend. So many people got involved in providing devices, such as football clubs ...

Unknown | 696 c152WH (Link to this contribution)

A good bit of lateral thinking in that speech, but it made it worth the wait. We now come to the ...

Unknown | 696 cc152-5WH (Link to this contribution)

I am glad to be able to participate in today’s important debate about support for children in rec...

Unknown | 696 cc155-7WH (Link to this contribution)

It is a pleasure to serve under your chairship, Dr Huq, for the first time. I thank my hon. Frien...

Unknown | 696 cc157-9WH (Link to this contribution)

It is a pleasure to serve under your chairmanship, Dr Huq. I understand that at least one Member ...

Unknown | 696 c159WH (Link to this contribution)

Was Marcus Rashford making it up, then? Did he have nothing to do? Was it just something in his o...

Unknown | 696 cc159-160WH (Link to this contribution)

The holiday activities and food programme, which we announced, during the spending review—this is...

Unknown | 696 c160WH (Link to this contribution)

Can the Minister tell us whether the UK has the most expensive or the second most expensive child...

Unknown | 696 cc160-1WH (Link to this contribution)

We have also introduced many other different measures to help with childcare, for example the tax...

Unknown | 696 cc161-2WH (Link to this contribution)

We are expecting a vote any second, but Jim Shannon is the only Member in the debate without a pr...

Unknown | 696 c162WH (Link to this contribution)

Thank you, Dr Huq, and I am sure I can keep my remarks to under five minutes.


Unknown | 696 cc162-3WH (Link to this contribution)

I accept that not all of those elements are in the Minister’s brief, but she did very well to cov...

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