UK Parliament / Open data

Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024

Unknown on Wednesday, 11 September 2024, in the Unknown, led by Unknown. The answering member was Unknown.
Lords motion to annul. Disagreed to on division (30 to 138).

About these unknown








Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations
Thursday, 22 August 2024

Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee second report
Tuesday, 3 September 2024

Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024
Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024
Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Proceeding contributions

Unknown | 839 cc1587-1590 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I would like to say from the start that I believe the noble Baroness opposite is a very...

Unknown | 839 cc1589-1592 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, this is the first opportunity I have had to congratulate the noble Baroness, Lady Sherl...

Show all contributions (22)
Unknown | 839 cc1593-4 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I rise to speak to the Motion standing in my name, the third of the Motions on the Orde...

Unknown | 839 cc1594-6 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, these regulations are a mistake and I want my concern on the record. I want to make it ...

Unknown | 839 cc1596-7 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, there seems to be rather a hurry to embrace economic rationality on the part of the new...

Unknown | 839 cc1597-8 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I do not believe that this was in the 1997 manifesto of the Labour Party. It was introd...

Unknown | 839 c1598 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I grew up in Barnsley in Yorkshire, which is a Labour stronghold, and I find it inconce...

Unknown | 839 cc1599-1600 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, as other noble Lords have said, there is a sense of bewilderment for so many people at ...

Unknown | 839 cc1600-1 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I, too, congratulate the Minister on her appointment and I declare an interest as a ben...

Unknown | 839 cc1601-2 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I entirely understand why the Government want to get rid of a fuel payment to many peop...

Unknown | 839 c1602 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I commend my erstwhile noble friend the noble Baroness, Lady Altmann, on her powerful o...

Unknown | 839 c1602 (Link to this contribution)

Absolutely. She will always be my noble friend.

Unknown | 839 c1602 (Link to this contribution)

I also urge the Prime Minister to drop his misplaced belief that he and his Government are someho...

Unknown | 839 cc1602-3 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, the decision by the Government to remove the winter fuel payment for millions of pensio...

Unknown | 839 cc1603-4 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, there have been some very fine speeches, but I will not repeat them. I really hope that...

Unknown | 839 cc1604-5 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I speak in broad support of the regret Motion in the name of the noble Lord, Lord Palme...

Unknown | 839 c1605 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I have listened to the noble Baroness, Lady Altmann, and my noble friend Lady Stedman-S...

Unknown | 839 cc1605-6 (Link to this contribution)

I, and I think many colleagues in the House, were surprised when this measure was selected to sav...

Unknown | 839 cc1606-8 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I have a few brief comments in relation to what is before the House. As far as my party...

Unknown | 839 c1607 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I will not detain the House for long, but I want to just say one thing. I may be the on...

Unknown | 839 cc1607-1615 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, that seems a good place to start. I start by


Unknown | 839 cc1613-6 (Link to this contribution)

My Lords, I too welcome the noble Baroness to her position on the Front Bench. She brings huge ex...


Debated with two motions to regret.
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