UK Parliament / Open data


Proceeding contribution from Gareth Snell (Labour) in the House of Commons on Monday, 9 September 2024. It occurred during Debates on delegated legislation on Medicines.

On a point of order, Madam Deputy Speaker. Last Thursday, during questions to the Leader of the House on the statement of business, I asked a question about BTecs in relation to colleges. Although it is registered in the Register of Members’ Financial Interests that I am a governor of two colleges, I failed to draw the House’s attention to that fact before asking my question. The two colleges that I am a governor of are affected by the answer, so I take this opportunity to place that on the record, and offer my unreserved apology to the House accordingly.

About this proceeding contribution


753 c658 


Business of the House
Thursday, 5 September 2024
Proceeding contributions
House of Commons
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