UK Parliament / Open data


Debates on delegated legislation on Monday, 9 September 2024, in the House of Commons, led by Mike Kane. The answering member was Greg Smith.
Motion that the draft Renewable Transport Fuel Obligations (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) Order 2024, which was laid before this House on 24 July, be approved. Agreed to on question.

About these Parliamentary proceedings


753 cc633-649 


Renewable Transport Fuel Obligations (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) Order
Wednesday, 24 July 2024
Statutory instruments
House of Lords
House of Commons

Proceeding contributions

Mike Kane | 753 cc633-5 (Link to this contribution)

I beg to move,

That the draft Renewable Transport Fuel Obligations (Sustainable Aviation Fu...

Caroline Nokes | 753 c634 (Link to this contribution)

I call the shadow Minister.

7.16 pm

Show all contributions (23)
Greg Smith | 753 cc634-7 (Link to this contribution)

In responding to this debate on the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligations (Sustainable Aviation Fu...

Caroline Nokes | 753 c637 (Link to this contribution)

Before I call the next speaker, I remind Members that it is helpful for the Chair—not least me pe...

Grahame Morris | 753 cc637-8 (Link to this contribution)

I will not detain the House too long—[Interruption.] Hooray! I just want to make a couple of poin...

Caroline Nokes | 753 c638 (Link to this contribution)

I call the Liberal Democrat spokesperson.

7.28 pm

Wera Hobhouse | 753 cc638-9 (Link to this contribution)

I sense that there is a great deal of consensus across the House on this statutory instrument. Th...

Caroline Nokes | 753 c639 (Link to this contribution)

I call Steve Race to make his maiden speech.

7.34 pm

Steve Race | 753 cc639-642 (Link to this contribution)

Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker. May I take this opportunity to put on record my congratulations ...

Caroline Nokes | 753 c642 (Link to this contribution)

I call Lee Dillon to make his maiden speech.

7.43 pm

Lee Dillon | 753 cc642-5 (Link to this contribution)

I congratulate the hon. Member for Exeter (Steve Race) on his maiden speech. My hometown of Thatc...

Judith Cummins | 753 c645 (Link to this contribution)

I call James McMurdock to make his maiden speech.

7.52 pm

James McMurdock | 753 cc645-6 (Link to this contribution)

Thank you for the opportunity to address the House, Madam Deputy Speaker. I thank the hon. Member...

James McMurdock | 753 c646 (Link to this contribution)

To my wife, the mother of my children, who in a crowd of powerful women stands as the most glorio...

Mike Kane | 753 c647 (Link to this contribution)

My goodness, it is a pleasure to see you in the Chair, Madam Deputy Speaker. Congratulations on y...

Mike Kane | 753 cc647-8 (Link to this contribution)

That is good news. The issue has had good cross-party support: when I was in opposition, I suppor...

Richard Holden | 753 c648 (Link to this contribution)

I welcome the news that the Government are not going to pursue some form of new attack on short-h...

Mike Kane | 753 cc648-9 (Link to this contribution)

I thank the hon. Member for his intervention, but I am grateful for small mercies; the Liberal De...

Judith Cummins | 753 c649 (Link to this contribution)

We now come to the next item of business. I call the Minister to move the motion.

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