UK Parliament / Open data

Business of the House

Business statement on Thursday, 5 September 2024, in the House of Commons, led by Lucy Powell. The answering member was Chris Philp.

About these Parliamentary proceedings


753 cc432-527 



Proceeding contributions

Chris Philp | 753 c433 (Link to this contribution)

May I take this opportunity, Madam Deputy Speaker, to congratulate you on your elevation to the C...

Lucy Powell | 753 c433 (Link to this contribution)

The business for the week commencing 9 September is as follows:

Monday 9 September—Consider...

Show all contributions (113)
Chris Philp | 753 cc433-5 (Link to this contribution)

A warm welcome back to everyone following the summer recess. I thank the Leader of the House for ...

Lucy Powell | 753 cc435-7 (Link to this contribution)

I, too, welcome everybody back for the new term. I knew that my announcing the recess dates would...

Karl Turner | 753 c436 (Link to this contribution)

I welcome my right hon. Friend to the Dispatch Box and congratulate her on the wonderful job she ...

Lucy Powell | 753 c436 (Link to this contribution)

I thank my hon. Friend for that excellent question. I am very familiar with that issue, as Post O...

Judith Cummins | 753 c436 (Link to this contribution)

I call the Liberal Democrat spokesperson.

Wera Hobhouse | 753 c436 (Link to this contribution)

Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker; it is very good to see you in your place. I thank the Leader of ...

Lucy Powell | 753 c438 (Link to this contribution)

I welcome the hon. Lady back to this place and thank her for her thoughtful comments. She is awar...

Judith Cummins | 753 c438 (Link to this contribution)

Before I call anyone else, Members will be aware that over 50 people want to ask a question, so p...

Jo White | 753 c438 (Link to this contribution)

Like my right hon. Friend, my constituent spent hours on Saturday queuing to purchase Oasis ticke...

Lucy Powell | 753 c438 (Link to this contribution)

I know that my hon. Friend speaks for many millions, myself included, who over the weekend shared...

Caroline Dinenage | 753 c438 (Link to this contribution)

The Leader of the House understands more than most the value of the British film and high-end TV ...

Lucy Powell | 753 c439 (Link to this contribution)

I thank the hon. Lady for that excellent question. She has long pursued these issues as the forme...

Jon Trickett | 753 c439 (Link to this contribution)

Thank you very much, Madam Deputy Speaker—I did not quite catch you calling me. May I say how del...

Lucy Powell | 753 c439 (Link to this contribution)

My hon. Friend is a long-standing and powerful advocate for mining communities in his constituenc...

John Hayes | 753 cc439-440 (Link to this contribution)

It is a delight, Madam Deputy Speaker, to serve under your benevolent stewardship.

The Hous...

Lucy Powell | 753 c440 (Link to this contribution)

I thank the right hon. Gentleman for that question. This Government have been clear that, in supp...

Tonia Antoniazzi | 753 c440 (Link to this contribution)

My constituent’s daughter Lily Lucas died two years ago on Monday on Milton ward at Kewstoke hosp...

Lucy Powell | 753 c440 (Link to this contribution)

I thank my hon. Friend for that question. I am really sorry to hear of Lily’s death. She will kno...

Sarah Dyke | 753 c440 (Link to this contribution)

Tomorrow marks the start of the big river watch, when people are encouraged to take part in a UK ...

Lucy Powell | 753 c440 (Link to this contribution)

I thank the hon. Member for that question. I am absolutely delighted to point her to the fact tha...

Paulette Hamilton | 753 c441 (Link to this contribution)

Hospices provide a crucial role across the UK in supporting people at the end of their lives and ...

Lucy Powell | 753 c441 (Link to this contribution)

I thank my hon. Friend, who I know has been a doughty campaigner on health issues, issues around ...

Bob Blackman | 753 c441 (Link to this contribution)

On Monday the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government refused to rule ou...

Lucy Powell | 753 c441 (Link to this contribution)

I thank the hon. Gentleman. I am happy to put on record that we are granting the Sir David Amess ...

Meg Hillier | 753 c441 (Link to this contribution)

E-bikes and e-scooters are popular with many people, but in London Fields in my constituency I am...

Lucy Powell | 753 c441 (Link to this contribution)

My hon. Friend raises another important question, which I know has been raised in these sessions ...

Caroline Johnson | 753 c442 (Link to this contribution)

In his 2023 report, the chief medical officer said that cold homes and fuel poverty are directly ...

Lucy Powell | 753 c442 (Link to this contribution)

As the hon. Lady will have heard, we will be having such a debate next Tuesday, and the Governmen...

Andrew Pakes | 753 c442 (Link to this contribution)

Good public transport, especially buses, is important for so many things in my constituency and t...

Lucy Powell | 753 c442 (Link to this contribution)

I thank my hon. Friend for that excellent question. He is right to make the point that the curren...

Lee Dillon | 753 c442 (Link to this contribution)

Since November 2021, the custody suite at Newbury police station has been closed, leading to grea...

Lucy Powell | 753 c442 (Link to this contribution)

I thank the hon. Member for raising that important matter. Over the summer, with the acts of thug...

Jessica Toale | 753 c443 (Link to this contribution)

May I join my right hon. Friend in congratulating our Team GB Paralympians and Olympians on their...

Lucy Powell | 753 c443 (Link to this contribution)

I join my hon. Friend in congratulating Bryony Page. I am sure the whole country remembers that m...

Ellie Chowns | 753 c443 (Link to this contribution)

Five peaceful climate protesters are serving clearly excessive jail sentences made under the last...

Lucy Powell | 753 c443 (Link to this contribution)

What the hon. Member describes is that in recent years we have seen some actions that go way beyo...

Ian Lavery | 753 c443 (Link to this contribution)

Today, it is two years since the right hon. Liz Truss became the leader of the Conservative party...

Lucy Powell | 753 c444 (Link to this contribution)

I could not have put it better. I am sure that many others will want to make such points as the a...

Luke Evans | 753 c444 (Link to this contribution)

In Leicestershire, we have fantastic optometrists and opticians. Will the Leader of the House ask...

Lucy Powell | 753 c444 (Link to this contribution)

This is a Government of service, and we are working hard to turn the page on an era of scandal an...

Rachael Maskell | 753 c444 (Link to this contribution)

The Government have stated and rightly continue to state that prevention will protect our NHS and...

Lucy Powell | 753 c444 (Link to this contribution)

I thank my hon. Friend for that question and for continually raising these important matters. The...

Ben Maguire | 753 c444 (Link to this contribution)

Local communities in and around Port Isaac in my constituency have been left angered and frustrat...

Lucy Powell | 753 c445 (Link to this contribution)

The hon. Member raises a really important issue about seaweed farms, which I did not know a lot a...

Lauren Sullivan | 753 c445 (Link to this contribution)

The Leader of the House will know that on the Government Benches we value adult education and com...

Lucy Powell | 753 c445 (Link to this contribution)

My hon. Friend raises an important issue. In recent years, adult education was belittled and let ...

Andrew Murrison | 753 c445 (Link to this contribution)

Is the Leader of the House concerned that those who will suffer as a result of the Government’s d...

Lucy Powell | 753 c445 (Link to this contribution)

Like many, I am furious that this Government have had to take these difficult decisions, because ...

Harpreet Uppal | 753 c446 (Link to this contribution)

Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker, and as a fellow Yorkshire woman I welcome you to your place.

Lucy Powell | 753 c446 (Link to this contribution)

My hon. Friend will know that under the previous Government, retail crime was effectively decrimi...

Mike Wood | 753 c446 (Link to this contribution)

The last census showed that the population of South Staffordshire grew by just 2.2% over the prev...

Lucy Powell | 753 c446 (Link to this contribution)

The hon. Gentleman’s Government failed to meet the challenge of the housing crisis. This Governme...

Afzal Khan | 753 c446 (Link to this contribution)

My right hon. Friend will know of the important role of the Carlton Club community interest compa...

Lucy Powell | 753 c446 (Link to this contribution)

I thank my hon. Friend for raising that important issue. I know how much the Carlton Club is valu...

Nick Timothy | 753 c447 (Link to this contribution)

In his recent letter to local councils, the Minister for Housing and Planning, the hon. Member fo...

Lucy Powell | 753 c447 (Link to this contribution)

The hon. Gentleman will know that Housing Ministers and the Secretary of State for Housing, Commu...

Matt Rodda | 753 c447 (Link to this contribution)

I thank the Leader of the House and the Government for their swift action to tackle the large bon...

Lucy Powell | 753 c447 (Link to this contribution)

I thank my hon. Friend for that question. I am delighted that today we are introducing the Water ...

Gideon Amos | 753 c447 (Link to this contribution)

Wellington in my constituency, a town of 15,000 people, has had no post office for several years....

Lucy Powell | 753 c447 (Link to this contribution)

As has already been raised in this session today, the provision of local post office services is ...

Anna Dixon | 753 c448 (Link to this contribution)

I join my right hon. Friend in congratulating Team GB. A blind runner and his guide who live in B...

Lucy Powell | 753 c448 (Link to this contribution)

I share my hon. Friend’s congratulations to Junior and Donard on their tremendous bronze medal at...

Gavin Williamson | 753 c448 (Link to this contribution)

Stone has a large number of disabled residents who simply cannot gain access to a railway station...

Lucy Powell | 753 c448 (Link to this contribution)

I think we have all been made especially aware of this issue over recent weeks, given the horrifi...

Alex Baker | 753 c448 (Link to this contribution)

Home artificial nutrition awareness week took place in August. My constituent Victor Day is able ...

Lucy Powell | 753 c448 (Link to this contribution)

I pay my respects to Victor, and I thank my hon. Friend for highlighting an important matter of w...

Luke Taylor | 753 c449 (Link to this contribution)

One of my constituents is the sibling of a victim of the infected blood scandal, and he has asked...

Lucy Powell | 753 c449 (Link to this contribution)

Fortuitously, my right hon. Friend the Paymaster General is sitting beside me. As the hon. Gentle...

Lee Pitcher | 753 c449 (Link to this contribution)

At an advice surgery that I held recently in Moorends, I heard yet again about the perils of the ...

Lucy Powell | 753 c449 (Link to this contribution)

All of us, and many of our constituents, are familiar with the 8 am scramble for a GP appointment...

Andrew Snowden | 753 c449 (Link to this contribution)

Let me first thank the Leader of the House for the correspondence following my question about the...

Lucy Powell | 753 c449 (Link to this contribution)

Sir Laurie Magnus is very much still the Government’s adviser on such matters. It is not our inte...

Sojan Joseph | 753 c450 (Link to this contribution)

I recently paid a visit to the William Harvey Hospital in my constituency, and saw 19 patients be...

Lucy Powell | 753 c450 (Link to this contribution)

My hon. Friend has raised an important issue. We are all familiar with what is happening in our h...

Nusrat Ghani | 753 c450 (Link to this contribution)

Order. Shorter answers will be appreciated.

Martin Vickers | 753 c450 (Link to this contribution)

During the exchanges that followed my urgent question about steel manufacturing earlier today, it...

Lucy Powell | 753 c450 (Link to this contribution)

I congratulate the hon. Gentleman on the granting of his urgent question. I can assure him that t...

Gareth Snell | 753 c450 (Link to this contribution)

BTecs provide a vital route to higher and further education for thousands of learners throughout ...

Lucy Powell | 753 c450 (Link to this contribution)

My hon. Friend raises the important matter of BTecs and their future, which has also been raised ...

Neil Shastri-Hurst | 753 c451 (Link to this contribution)

There are many excellent military charities in this country, including Troop Aid in my constituen...

Lucy Powell | 753 c451 (Link to this contribution)

Our military charities and armed forces charities do immense work. Remembrance Sunday and the pop...

Nusrat Ghani | 753 c451 (Link to this contribution)

Order. We have 10 Members still to speak and 10 minutes left. If Members each keep their question...

Claire Hughes | 753 c451 (Link to this contribution)

Community energy projects such as Ynni Ogwen in my constituency already play a vital role in the ...

Lucy Powell | 753 c451 (Link to this contribution)

Community energy projects are vital to our clean energy superpower mission, and Great British Ene...

Ashley Fox | 753 c451 (Link to this contribution)

There are 141,000 children living in kinship care in England and Wales. Some 47% of those childre...

Lucy Powell | 753 c451 (Link to this contribution)

The hon. Gentleman is absolutely right. Kinship carers play a vital role and special educational ...

Jim Shannon | 753 cc451-2 (Link to this contribution)

I thank the Leader of the House for this opportunity to ask an important question that has been o...

Lucy Powell | 753 c452 (Link to this contribution)

As ever, the hon. Gentleman raises in this House the important issues of the freedom of religion ...

Sarah Russell | 753 c452 (Link to this contribution)

May I associate myself with the comments that have been made about freedom of religion? I am here...

Lucy Powell | 753 c452 (Link to this contribution)

So many people are raising the issue of station accessibility. My hon. Friend raises important po...

David Baines | 753 c452 (Link to this contribution)

The Turks Head pub in my constituency is once again in the running for the Campaign for Real Ale’...

Lucy Powell | 753 c452 (Link to this contribution)

As the Member of Parliament whose constituency has the most pubs, I wholeheartedly share my hon. ...

Deirdre Costigan | 753 c452 (Link to this contribution)

Every night of the week, vulnerable people sleep outside in the rough in front of Southall commun...

Lucy Powell | 753 c452 (Link to this contribution)

My hon. Friend raises an important matter. The Deputy Prime Minister has already set up and chair...

Mark Sewards | 753 c453 (Link to this contribution)

Councils up and down the country are still facing impossible financial decisions. In my constitue...

Lucy Powell | 753 c453 (Link to this contribution)

I am really sorry to hear about the closure of my hon. Friend’s local care home. He is absolutely...

Laura Kyrke-Smith | 753 c453 (Link to this contribution)

My constituency has experienced extensive house building in the past decade. My constituents are ...

Lucy Powell | 753 c453 (Link to this contribution)

My hon. Friend is absolutely right. We are unashamedly for house building, and we are unashamedly...

Joe Morris | 753 c453 (Link to this contribution)

My constituent Michael Parry is currently fighting pancreatic cancer. He has raised the issue wit...

Lucy Powell | 753 c453 (Link to this contribution)

I am sure that the thoughts of the whole House are with my hon. Friend’s constituent Michael duri...

Shaun Davies | 753 c453 (Link to this contribution)

Can we have a debate in Government time on veterans affairs? Whether it is through access to heal...

Lucy Powell | 753 c453 (Link to this contribution)

My hon. Friend raises an important matter. We have committed to legislating to establish an armed...

Jonathan Davies | 753 c454 (Link to this contribution)

Sixth-formers at Belper school in my constituency tell me that they face inordinate waits to take...

Lucy Powell | 753 c454 (Link to this contribution)

I am sure the Transport Secretary will come to this House at some point to address driving tests ...

Nusrat Ghani | 753 c454 (Link to this contribution)

That is a very early birthday present. We are going to get the last Member in, so well done every...

Josh Newbury | 753 c454 (Link to this contribution)

Care leavers all too often face a postcode lottery of inconsistent support, leading to wide dispa...

Lucy Powell | 753 c454 (Link to this contribution)

Care leavers really have had the poor end of the deal in recent years. They have poorer outcomes ...

Nusrat Ghani | 753 c454 (Link to this contribution)

I thank the Leader of the House for taking everybody’s questions.

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