UK Parliament / Open data

Criminal Law

Debates on delegated legislation on Thursday, 25 July 2024, in the House of Commons, led by Shabana Mahmood. The answering member was Matt Vickers.
Motion that the draft Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Requisite and Minimum Custodial Periods) Order 2024, which was laid before this House on 17 July, be approved. Agreed to on division (323 to 81).

About these Parliamentary proceedings


752 cc855-922 




Ministry of Justice


Proxy voting
Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Requisite and Minimum Custodial Periods) Order
Wednesday, 17 July 2024
Statutory instruments
House of Lords
House of Commons

Proceeding contributions

Shabana Mahmood | 752 cc831-2 (Link to this contribution)

I beg to move,

That the draft Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Requisite and Minimum Custodial Pe...

Jim Shannon | 752 c832 (Link to this contribution)

I thank the Minister for her statement. I clearly understand the Government’s predicament and the...

Show all contributions (35)
Shabana Mahmood | 752 c832 (Link to this contribution)

I thank the hon. Gentleman for his intervention. He raises an incredibly important matter. I have...

Andy Slaughter | 752 c833 (Link to this contribution)

I am sure that the whole House will be pleased to hear of the safeguards that the Lord Chancellor...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 cc833-4 (Link to this contribution)

That is precisely why we have ensured that we have an implementation period for this policy chang...

Lee Pitcher | 752 c834 (Link to this contribution)

I have three prisons in my constituency. Will the Secretary of State explain how bad the situatio...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 cc834-5 (Link to this contribution)

I thank my hon. Friend for that intervention. If we do not act today, we face a total collapse of...

Emily Darlington | 752 c835 (Link to this contribution)

I thank the Secretary of State for her reassurance on the exclusion of sexual and domestic violen...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 c835 (Link to this contribution)

My hon. Friend is right that, ultimately, one of the long-term solutions to the capacity crisis m...

Rachel Blake | 752 c835 (Link to this contribution)

The Secretary of State will be aware that Cities of London and Westminster has some of the highes...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 c836 (Link to this contribution)

The point about homelessness, and what it means for recall into prison, is incredibly important. ...

Mark Ferguson | 752 c836 (Link to this contribution)

I am sure that many of us will have been appalled by the comments of the former Lord Chancellor, ...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 c836 (Link to this contribution)

The public made the decision for the previous Administration by voting them out of office in such...

Nusrat Ghani | 752 c836 (Link to this contribution)

I call the official Opposition spokesman.

12.13 pm

Matt Vickers | 752 cc836-8 (Link to this contribution)

Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker, and congratulations on your new role.

I am grateful for th...

Matt Vickers | 752 c838 (Link to this contribution)

There will be an opportunity to respond to me later.

As we know, many offences linked to dr...

Nusrat Ghani | 752 cc838-9 (Link to this contribution)

I call Bambos Charalambous.

12.20 pm

Bambos Charalambous | 752 cc839-840 (Link to this contribution)

Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker. I congratulate you on your election and welcome you to your plac...

Nusrat Ghani | 752 c840 (Link to this contribution)

I call the Liberal Democrat spokesperson.

12.27 pm

Wendy Chamberlain | 752 cc840-2 (Link to this contribution)

Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker. I congratulate you on your election, as well as the other Deputy...

Andy Slaughter | 752 cc842-3 (Link to this contribution)

Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker. It is a pleasure to see you in your new and much-deserved place....

Kieran Mullan | 752 c843 (Link to this contribution)

If the hon. Member thinks that the Labour Government are now going to have to release 5,000 priso...

Andy Slaughter | 752 cc843-4 (Link to this contribution)

If that is really the best the Opposition have got, I understand why the shadow Minister did not ...

Priti Patel | 752 cc844-7 (Link to this contribution)

It is a genuine pleasure to see you in the Chair, Madam Deputy Speaker—congratulations on your ne...

Naz Shah | 752 cc845-8 (Link to this contribution)

May I congratulate you, Madam Deputy Speaker, on taking your space, even more so as a female Musl...

John Hayes | 752 cc848-9 (Link to this contribution)

I welcome you to the Chair, Madam Deputy Speaker. I have only three brief points to make.


Nusrat Ghani | 752 c849 (Link to this contribution)

I call the Lord Chancellor to make her closing remarks.

12.59 pm

Shabana Mahmood | 752 cc849-851 (Link to this contribution)

With the leave of the House, I will respond to the debate, but let me begin by saying what a plea...

Priti Patel | 752 c851 (Link to this contribution)

Could the Lord Chancellor expand—probably not in this debate but over the summer or even in Septe...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 c851 (Link to this contribution)

I will happily return or write to the right hon. Lady in respect of specific local authorities. T...

Paul Kohler | 752 c851 (Link to this contribution)

We do indeed need to build more prisons, because, as was said, the present stock is not fit for p...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 c851 (Link to this contribution)

Let me be clear to the hon. Gentleman and the House. The Government will ensure that we have the ...

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