UK Parliament / Open data

Prison Capacity

Ministerial statement on Thursday, 18 July 2024, in the House of Commons, led by Shabana Mahmood.
Statement on prison capacity in England and Wales.

About these Parliamentary proceedings


752 cc175-187 




Ministry of Justice
Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Requisite and Minimum Custodial Periods) Order
Wednesday, 17 July 2024
Statutory instruments
House of Lords
House of Commons

Proceeding contributions

Shabana Mahmood | 752 cc175-7 (Link to this contribution)

With permission, Mr Speaker, I will make a statement about prison capacity in England and Wales.<...

Lindsay Hoyle | 752 c177 (Link to this contribution)

I call the shadow Minister.

11.1 am

Show all contributions (37)
Edward Argar | 752 cc177-8 (Link to this contribution)

I am grateful to the Lord Chancellor for very timely advance sight of her statement. May I take t...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 cc178-180 (Link to this contribution)

I welcome the shadow Lord Chancellor to his place; we have always worked constructively together ...

Bambos Charalambous | 752 c180 (Link to this contribution)

I welcome my right hon. Friend to her place on the Government Front Bench. The imprisonment for p...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 c180 (Link to this contribution)

I thank my hon. Friend for that question. The situation with IPP prisoners is of great concern, a...

Lindsay Hoyle | 752 c180 (Link to this contribution)

I call the Lib Dem spokesperson.

Alistair Carmichael | 752 cc180-1 (Link to this contribution)

I also welcome the Lord Chancellor to her new position, and thank her for advance sight of her st...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 c181 (Link to this contribution)

I welcome the right hon. Gentleman to his place. On the 18-month period, we have inherited a crim...

John McDonnell | 752 c181 (Link to this contribution)

I declare a non-pecuniary interest: I am an honorary life member of the Prison Officers’ Associat...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 cc181-2 (Link to this contribution)

My right hon. Friend is right. I take this opportunity to pay tribute to all the staff in our pri...

Greg Smith | 752 c182 (Link to this contribution)

I listened very carefully to the Lord Chancellor’s comments about Members present and past who ha...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 c182 (Link to this contribution)

I thank the hon. Member for his question. May I gently say that this is part of the problem? I am...

Emily Darlington | 752 c182 (Link to this contribution)

First, I congratulate my right hon. Friend on her new post, and thank her for reassuring us that ...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 c183 (Link to this contribution)

I welcome my hon. Friend to her place. This change is designed in part to allow probation to do t...

Liz Saville Roberts | 752 c183 (Link to this contribution)

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. The Secretary of State is entirely correct to say that prisons are ...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 c183 (Link to this contribution)

I thank the right hon. Member—that is a very compelling bit of lobbying from her. May I offer to ...

Ruth Jones | 752 c183 (Link to this contribution)

I welcome the Secretary of State and her team to their places. Can the Secretary of State comment...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 c183 (Link to this contribution)

I thank my hon. Friend. I did read those reports in The Guardian. Of course, none of us has had s...

Kieran Mullan | 752 c184 (Link to this contribution)

I welcome the Lord Chancellor to her post. I just want to push her slightly on the description of...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 c184 (Link to this contribution)

It is a temporary scheme. We will revert to the usual 50% level as quickly as possible. I think 1...

Rachael Maskell | 752 c184 (Link to this contribution)

I have had many constituents placed in prison because of failed mental health services, when the ...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 c184 (Link to this contribution)

My hon. Friend is right that we have broad failure across many of our public services, including ...

Jim Shannon | 752 c184 (Link to this contribution)

Can I welcome the Lord Chancellor to her place and wish her well in the very important role she n...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 c184 (Link to this contribution)

The hon. Member is right. In the end, individual sentencing decisions are for judges. They have d...

Paula Barker | 752 c185 (Link to this contribution)

I welcome the Lord Chancellor to her place. She has certainly hit the ground running in a very di...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 c185 (Link to this contribution)

The implementation period that we have put forward in our proposals will allow the probation serv...

Derek Twigg | 752 c185 (Link to this contribution)

I congratulate the Lord Chancellor on her appointment.

As has been mentioned, reoffending h...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 c185 (Link to this contribution)

My hon. Friend is absolutely right. As I said earlier, employment is crucial, because we know tha...

Tonia Antoniazzi | 752 cc185-6 (Link to this contribution)

I associate myself with the comments of the right hon. Member for Dwyfor Meirionnydd (Liz Saville...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 c186 (Link to this contribution)

I would be happy to meet both my hon. Friend and the right hon. Member for Dwyfor Meirionnydd (Li...

Kim Johnson | 752 c186 (Link to this contribution)

I congratulate the Lord Chancellor on her new position; I am sure she is going to do an amazing j...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 c186 (Link to this contribution)

Of course, joint enterprise is not related to the changes we are making today, but I know that it...

Ben Goldsborough | 752 c186 (Link to this contribution)

I congratulate my right hon. Friend and those on the Front Bench on their appointments.

We ...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 c186 (Link to this contribution)

Police and crime commissioners are crucial to helping us to manage the current crisis and as we m...

Melanie Onn | 752 c187 (Link to this contribution)

I welcome the Lord Chancellor and her team to their places on the Front Bench.

Further to t...

Shabana Mahmood | 752 c187 (Link to this contribution)

I welcome my hon. Friend back to her place. I am well aware of the issues around indeterminate se...

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