UK Parliament / Open data

Covid-19: Government Support

Unknown from Unknown (Unknown) in the Unknown on Wednesday, 7 July 2021. It occurred during Unknown on Covid-19: Government Support.

I thank all hon. Members for their contributions. Clearly, across the board, there is a recognition that those gaps still exist and a frustration that, again, we are not hearing anything about how they can be addressed. I played out a hope that we could look forward, instead of backwards, but that has clearly not happened. The record will show that I was very welcoming of the support that has been provided to those who have it, but that is no comfort to those who have been left out.

In July 2020, the Chancellor said that although hardship lies ahead, “no one” will be left behind; he did not say “as many people as possible”. In October 2020, the Prime Minister said:

“We are wrapping our arms around the country to give people the support they need to get through this.”

That has not happened. On that basis, it is safe to say that this is clearly not the last time that we will have this conversation.

Question put and agreed to.


That this House has considered eligibility for Government support during the covid-19 outbreak.

5.50 pm

Sitting adjourned.

About this unknown


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