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Debate on a Motion relating to the Work and Pensions Select Committee report on the DWP’s response to the Coronavirus Outbreak

Unknown by Unknown, Unknown, Unknown and Unknown. It was first published on Friday, 20 November 2020. It was last updated on Monday, 23 November 2020.

On Thursday 26 November there will be a Backbench Business debate on the following motion tabled by Stephen Timms MP, Chair of the Work and Pensions Committee:

That this House notes the First Report of the Work and Pensions Committee, DWP’s response to the coronavirus outbreak, HC 178; and calls on the Government to increase relevant legacy benefits in line with increases to universal credit, to take steps to return people who have been inadvertently left worse off under universal credit compared with their previous benefits, and to suspend the no recourse to public funds visa condition for the duration of the coronavirus outbreak.

The Committee has been conducting an inquiry into the DWP's response to the coronavirus outbreak since March 2020. The first report was published on 22 June 2020, and the Government’s response was published by the Committee on 8 September. The Committee also held two follow-up evidence sessions on the DWP’s response to the coronavirus outbreak, on 29 September and on 18 November as part of its ongoing inquiry on this subject.

The Committee’s report praised DWP staff for their work meeting unprecedented demand in the early stages of the coronavirus outbreak, and commended ministers for taking policy decisions to help mitigate the worst impacts of the crisis. Nevertheless, it addressed a wide range of issues, calling for further immediate changes, including raising certain legacy benefit rates, and recommending that the Government plan for more long-term issues, such as developing measures to support those impacted by changes to the UK labour market as a result of the ongoing economic downturn.

Committee Report and Government Response

Work and Pensions Committee, DWP’s response to the coronavirus outbreak, 22 June 2020, HC 178 2019-21

DWP’s response to the coronavirus outbreak: Government Response to the Committee’s First Report, 8 September 2020, HC 732 2019-21


Press Releases

Raise the rates of legacy benefits to support people hit hard by coronavirus pandemic, not just Universal Credit, say MPs

Committee press release on publication of the Committee’s report

22 June 2020

Committee Chair calls for answers on benefit cap and more

Press release issued by the Committee commenting on the Government’s response to their report

8 September 2020

Letter from Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

Response to a letter from the Committee Chair, Stephen Timms, seeking clarification on a number of points raised in the Committee’s report.

29 September 2020


Follow-up Evidence Sessions

Transcript of the follow-up evidence session on 30 September on DWP’s response to the coronavirus outbreak with the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and John Paul Marks, Director General, Work and Health Services.

Transcript of the follow-up evidence session on 18 November with representatives from think tanks, pressure groups, local authorities, advice providers and charities.


Library Briefing Papers

Coronavirus: Withdrawing crisis social security measures

House of Commons Library briefing paper 

9 November 2020

Coronavirus: Universal Credit during the crisis

House of Commons Library briefing paper 

4 September 2020




About this unknown


Coronavirus Outbreak: DWP Response
Thursday, 26 November 2020

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